Today is the day when everything takes a sharp left turn…
In this ever-changing age of new trends, technologies, and people within the grand scheme of all things that is known as this universe, it has finally become overly apparent to me that I must embrace this exponentially growing facet of communications commonly referred to as social media.
Within the next few days, months, or (God forbid) years, you can expect this site to grow heavy-laden with numerous anecdotes and recollections of special and interesting moments in sports history that have transpired and occurred to, or happened within viewing distance of, myself and friends.
I may also be so inclined as to instill my own personal beliefs and opinions upon you, the reader, from time-to-time in an attempt to convey my undying love or extreme hatred towards a certain person, place, or thing. That *is* what the internet is for, so I’m told.
All-in-all, I think that this will end up being an interesting read. Stay tuned…